Kids & Youth

Kingdom Kids
Every Monday of the month (during term time), we hold "Kingdom Kids" an exciting adventure exploring the bible in a fun and crafty way. Each session starts with a light tea, followed by a 'God slot' - teaching truths directly from the word. Over the remaining time of the session, there are lots of different activities and games to enjoy. With ages of 4-11, your little ones right up to your big ones will love this club.
Rainbows & Brownies
Being a rainbow is all about having the space to try new things and have fun. Rainbows learn by doing - they get their hands dirty, do sports, arts and crafts, and play games. Rainbows helps develop self-confidence and make lots of new friends. Brownies is just as fun, but for the little bit older girls. Want to come and enjoy a good night of fun and games?